Hello my friends in Sector 2. Yes, I’m alive! And yes, it’s time for us to get our house in order in Sector 2.
I’ve been delayed in getting word out to you. We’ve been busy here getting set up in Turkmenistan with our tracking center and we’ve just had a Dickens of a time with getting a steady internet connection. Those delays have caused me to delay asking for things from you.
But, we’re in still good shape time wise and I think things are working well enough now that we can get started.
This year, my first order of business is to see if we can find a qualified sector lead for Sector 2.
That position is therefore open. If you are interested, please apply. I’d like to get that taken care of as soon as we can get it done.
In the meantime, please stand by for further instruction – it’s coming soon!
Hello, Clif! Oh, you had productive days. I know you have wonderful elves a lot in Sector 2, but I wish the leader would be from our community! XD