Elves of Sector 2 - an urgent request has been given to us to get done a Local Christmas Report from all areas. This came from a meeting with North Pole Flight Command earlier today. The topic of the meeting was the Christmas Spirit, which is always of concern to Santa. For some reason, he's... Read more
Author: Elf Clif Moyer
Do You See Sleighs?
Do you see sleighs? For whatever reason the test flights of Santa's sleigh are over our sector. That, plus the fact the Operation Air Lift is now underway, there are a lot of signs in our skies of activity. Add to that the phenomenon of UFOs and visible satellites in the skies these days and... Read more
Public Observance Report Needed
Elves of Sector 2, Flight Command and North Pole Security are both advising us about some disturbing information coming out of Southeast Asia. It would behoove elves in all areas of our sector if they are able to send in a public observance report as soon as you can. Santa often reminds us that the... Read more
Local Christmas Report Requested
Elves, According to North Pole Flight Command Santa himself has requested a Local Christmas Report for as many areas of Sector 2 as we can send in. This needs to be done as soon as you are able. Please see this link to access the Local Christmas Report. Thanks!
Chinese Speaking Elves Needed
We have a real need for elves who speak Chinese in Sector 2. China is a huge country and we are starting to see some good growth in our elf numbers. However, these are mostly freelance elves who cannot come to this site because it's not in Chinese. I do not know how big of... Read more
Chimney Inspections in Sector 2
Hi Sector 2 - we're going to piggy-back on the call for chimney inspections in Sector 3 by asking all elves in any northern area of Sector 2 to do the same. Elf Roger and Elf Seymour reached out to me after talking with Sector 3 and encouraged us to do the same. If you... Read more
Growing Needs for Elves in Russia
Hello Elves of Sector 2, Russia is a very big country, the largest in our sector by physical size. It also has a lot of people. We need more elves in Russia. A LOT more elves. I'm asking all elves in Sector 2 to please reach out to your friends in Russia and to recruit... Read more
Roof Reports Requested Now
Fellow Trackers, For whatever reason, North Pole Flight Command has requested that we in Sector 2 "step on the gas" with our roof reports. As the largest geographical sector in the world we have some of the most diverse rooftops you could imagine. Our southern areas of roof tops some times of straw or grass,... Read more
Sector Lead Needed
Hello elves of Sector 2, We approach a season in Sector 2 where the experts are projecting a lot of growth. In fact, the rate of growth in Sector 2 with tracker elves is supposed to be bigger than any other sector. That's a great prediction. We are, at present, the sector with the fewest... Read more
Weather Reports Needed in Sector 2
Elves of Sector 2, greetings I send you from India. It appears that Santa's sleigh is going to be in our sector for a while. We're not sure exactly where they are headed. But from Elf Seymour Snow in the Weather Tracking Department today came a request for local weather reports as soon as possible... Read more
India Here We Come
Greetings from the sleigh! We're in flight right now, headed to our new Regional Tracking Center home for Sector 2 this year - Kochi, India! Kochi is so ideally suited for us in Sector 2. It is fairly central to the middle of our sector, which just happens to be the biggest in the world.... Read more
Stand Down in Sector 2 Beginning
The first of our stand down orders in Sector 2 are coming in. All trackers in Asia and the Middle East are advised to "stand down" - that is, stop sending in reports - as the bedtime advisories closest to you are posted at NorthPoleFlightCommand.com. That means our work in Sector 2 is coming to... Read more