Tracker Reports
Santa TrackerNorth Pole Flight Command needs all kinds of information and they need it at different times. Your job as a Santa tracker is important because North Pole Flight Command is not where you are. In fact, North Pole Flight Command is about as far removed from Santa as they can be. So they depend on tracker elves to provide them with accurate and timely information so that important decisions can be made.

Keeping Santa safe is serious work. Keeping Santa on time is difficult. Helping Santa deliver and to return home so that he can celebrate Christmas is what this effort is all about.

Frankly, without your work in submitting these reports, North Pole Flight Command cannot do what they do. Santa cannot do what he does without the help you provide through these reports. These are vitally important functions for every Tracker Elf.

Of all the jobs you do as an elf, this is your #1 function. In the weeks leading up to Santa’s flight you will be asked by your elf supervisor to send in some of these reports. Please try to be timely in responding to these requests.

For all elves everywhere – because every elf becomes a tracker elf by the time Santa launches – December 22nd, 23rd and 24th are your most critical days. Please pay attention and ask whatever questions you might have about these reports before they are asked for. 

Please remember that Santa needs reports even while he is in flight. This is why you must track Santa. Your elf supervisor will guide you every step of the way.

If you are a freelance elf, please go to this page to send in a report.

Freelance Elf Reports

Reporting functions for freelance elves are simplified.

There is just one report form and your job with it is to communicate what you see, hear, and know in the most simple way possible.

Try to respond to what your elf supervisor is asking for and try to be as complete with your information as you can.

If you are a North Pole Elf and a member of the Elf Community, your reports are more thorough and may be asked for at different times. Please visit this page to see all of your reporting options:

North Pole Elf Reports


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