FAQ - Santa

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These are some common questions we receive about Santa:

Question: How old is Santa and when is his birthday?

Santa likes to say he is “as old as my tongue and a little bit older than my teeth”. His exact age is something Santa really doesn’t talk about. Mrs. Claus knows how old he is as well but she won’t say either. The day of Santa’s actual birthday is not known either but Mrs. Claus sure likes to make cake during the month of July.

Question: Can I live with Santa at the North Pole?

Probably not. Santa and Mrs. Claus do have a large home with many extra bedrooms. Occasionally they fill the house during family events but they claim there is no room for permanent guests given that they have so many pets.

Question: Why is Santa fat?

He’s not fat. In fact, you’d be surprised what he looks like with the big red coat taken off of him. Santa is in very good shape and enjoys staying in top physical condition.

Question: What is Santa’s favorite holiday?

Thanksgiving. And not just for the food.

Question: What is Santa’s favorite kind of cookie?

That changes with his mood. As a general rule, Santa loves any kind of cookie as long as it is homemade. Mrs. Claus says love is his favorite ingredient.

Question: Am I on the naughty list?

No, you’re not. There is no such thing as the naughty list. It is a myth of songs, television shows and movies. You cannot be on a list that Santa doesn’t keep.

Question: I send Santa letters. Why doesn’t Santa write me back?

Santa is usually so busy flying his sleigh, tending his reindeer, stuffing stockings and chowing down on cookies that he lacks time for correspondence. But sometimes he will write a little note or letter.

Question: Does Santa have a dog?

No, Santa has several dogs. He loves them.

Question: Is it possible to see Santa on Christmas Eve?

Yes, but you have to be on your toes. Santa moves pretty quick.

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