Official Elf Count Update

Official Elf Count Update

Hello Trackers! My name is Elf Flip. I am an accountant at North Pole Flight Command and I am charged with keeping count of tracker elves in each sector. I am here to give you an update on the total number of elves we have tracking Santa for Santa.

After seasonal adjustments, the total number of registered freelance and North Pole contracted elves working as Santa Trackers tracking Santa for Santa is 54.8 million, down from a peak recorded last Christmas Eve of 56.7 million.

Seeing that Santa has not yet announced the recruiting goal for Christmas 2021, we cannot effectively communicate what our anticipated needs will be. We expect Santa will make that announcement soon.

Here is the breakdown by sector, rough estimates at this time:

Sector 1 – 7.1 million
Sector 2 – 3.0 million
Sector 3 – 16.5 million
Sector 4 – 11.3 million
Sector 5 – 16.9 million

I will be providing periodic updates, as directed by Flight Command. Your elf supervisor may update you as well about the elf count by sector.


About this Elf: Elf Flip Beanz Verified Elf North Pole Elf North Pole News Elf
Elf Flip is an accountant and analyst at North Pole Flight Command. He has certified as an enumerator in the North Pole Census and has a masters degree from Southern North Pole University in Accounting and Numerology. He helps to determine the need of elves at the North Pole and all around the world. He also works with the Public Relations Department to share news and information about the number of elves in Santa's employ.
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Elf Lil Cream

Great!!! Ty!

Elf Ullrich

Amazing! Thanks!!

elf cookie


Elf Cookie Dough

Amazing that’s awesome
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