In a final wrap to the 2024 Christmas season I am pleased to announce the Elf of the Year. This year’s honoree is known to just about everyone. In fact, when I asked for recommendations from the Elf Community I was overwhelmed with the number of people suggesting this one particular elf. This elf is... Read more
Category: Sector 1
Sector 1 is in the Red Zone
Ok, trackers! This is it. We're in the Red Zone. Flight Command has sleighs active in our area. We're now officially on the clock. There are no reporting needs at this time which is good because most of you are likely still asleep. I will keep you post. In the meantime, happy tracking.
Instructions from Flight Command
Elves, Trackers and Believers Worldwide: No doubt you have heard the news of challenges we have had this past week with Operation Airlift. The news coming out of Flight Command in recent hours has not been any better. While I am unable to give you an estimate of exactly how far behind we are I... Read more
Public Observance Requested
Friends, If you're out and about this weekend please take some time to take a look around you. This request comes from Flight Command and they tell me it could lead to a Local Christmas Report, too. [wpforms id="19394"]
Sector 1 Tracker Elves Can Check In Now
Friends of Sector 1, both freelance and North Pole Tracker Elves, the hour is upon us. Please check in and let us know your availability to track Santa for Santa. [wpforms id="33053"]
Submit Questions for Elf Crash
Elf Crash Murphy, International Director of Santa Trackers, has informed me that a lot of effort will be made before Santa launches to answer your questions. There will be the North Pole Chat on Sunday at 10AM EST as well as late news being posted on all official North Pole websites all weekend. Crash also... Read more
Schedule Change Announcement
Due to circumstances related to Operation Airlift we have decided to move up the check-in process worldwide. Check-ins will be announced via your Elf Supervisor beginning on Saturday, December 21st instead of our original plan of the 22nd. Tracker Check-in is a process that tells your Elf Supervisor that you are or are not available... Read more
Report Today if You Can
Elves of Sector 1 - you've seen the other sectors requesting this and we're going to do the same. Santa himself is asking for a Local Christmas Report from all areas. Please go here to fill out the report. The feeling is that the Christmas Spirit may not be strong this year. Is this true... Read more
Transit Report Needed
Elves of Sector 1, I send you greetings from Japan. Flight Command is requesting a Transit Report from us as soon as we can provide it. They are trying to understand traffic patterns in every country. I think this will apply mostly to larger cities. It is rare to get this kind of request. I'm... Read more
What All Elves Should Be Doing Right Now
Hi Elves! Crash here - if you are new and you don't know me, my name is Elf Crash Murphy and I'm the International Director of Santa Trackers. We makes me, more or less, the Head Elf, YOUR Head Elf, your boss' boss. In my humble way, I'm here to tell ya what to do.... Read more
Local Christmas Report Needed
Is it Christmas out there where you are? I want to know about it. Tell us about the Christmas you see where you are. Take pictures and send them in. I may ask for this report several times in the next few weeks. You should be seeing signs of Christmas by now. The Local Christmas... Read more
How is Home and Family?
There is a report you can send in which very few tracker elves actually use. It's called the Home and Family Report. I'd like all of you to send one in at the first opportunity. I think it is important that you know the we care about you, that Santa sees you as more than... Read more