Chat with Elf Agent X

Chat with Elf Agent X

Chat with Elf Agent X

Elf Agent X is head of North Pole Security. In this chat Elf Agent X talks about the things people do to kidnap Santa, the current search for Santa while he is on walkabout and what to do if you actually find Santa. This is was surprising and informative chat. Here is the transcript:

Elf MaxI’m glad you’re leading this chat, Elf Frank
Elf Frank MyrrhWhy? Because getting answers from Elf Agent X is so fun?
Elf UlanYeah, it’s a very long time no see, lol!
Elf MaxYes, exactly.
Elf Frank MyrrhI’ll do my best
Elf MaxI just hope I don’t ask a question he doesn’t like
Elf Frank MyrrhHe’s always nice, Max
Elf MaxYes, he is. But when he doesn’t want to answer something he tells you!
Elf UlanPlease tell me is there any questions I can not ask?
Elf Frank MyrrhYou can ask anything you want, Elf Ulan.
Elf Frank MyrrhElf Agent X just takes his job seriously.
Elf Frank MyrrhHe’s a good elf
Elf UlanReally? Aww, thank you. I believe you!
Elf MaxOk. I do have questions for him
Elf Frank MyrrhGreat!
Elf UlanIs it a holiday there?
Elf Frank MyrrhAt the North Pole? No.
Elf MaxIt is Independence Day in the United States. Many elves told me they could not be here today because of that.
Elf Frank MyrrhOh, I forgot about that.
Agent XHello! One minute to spare
Elf UlanOkay, how many holidays do you have there?
Elf Frank MyrrhYou’re right on time, Agent X. Welcome!
Elf Frank MyrrhWe make up holidays every week at the North Pole, it seems
Agent XGlad to be here.
Elf UlanHello, Elf Agent X! Nice to meet you!
Elf Frank MyrrhToday we’re chatting with Elf Agent X, head of North Pole Security.
Agent XHello, Elf Ulan!
Elf Frank MyrrhAgent X, this is kind of a rare opportunity. It’s nice to have you here to talk things over a bit.
Agent XWe are always happy to do this, Frank.
Elf Frank MyrrhEveryone earlier was talking about asking a wrong question to you
Agent XReally? Why? I don’t think there are wrong questions.
Elf Frank MyrrhI think there is some mystery about what you do
Agent XOur job is to keep Santa safe. To keep the North Pole safe.
Elf Frank MyrrhDoes Santa get a lot of threats? Is he in danger?
Agent XNo, Santa is not in danger. He is just one of the most famous people in the world. So we watch out for him.
Elf Frank MyrrhWhat are some of the things you worry about when it comes to Santa’s safety?
Agent XKidnapping is a constant threat. We find that people do not want to harm Santa so much as they just want to be with him.
Elf Frank MyrrhWhy do you think that is?
Agent XWell, he’s Santa. He’d be very popular at a Christmas party.
Elf Frank MyrrhIs that real? Do a lot of people want to seriously take Santa and use his time just for themselves?
Agent XYes.
Elf Frank MyrrhThat’s just crazy to me.
Agent XAgreed.
Elf MaxAgent X, this is Elf Max
Agent XHi Max
Elf MaxIs this happening only at Christmas?
Agent XMostly, yes.
Elf MaxDoes it come from the same place?
Agent XIt comes from all over. It’s not uncommon.
Elf Frank MyrrhHas anyone actually tried to do something – you know, besides making threats?
Agent XYes, for years there was a group led by a guy in a town in Sector 5. In Maine. They tried every Christmas Eve to capture Santa
Elf MaxHow did they try?
Agent XThe set up elaborate schemes.
Elf Frank MyrrhSuch as….?
Agent XGiant nets.
Agent XReindeer tie downs
Agent XOnce they tried to get Santa arrested by the local police department
Elf Frank MyrrhWow. Did that happen?
Agent XNo. The Police Chief didn’t want an empty stocking.
Elf MaxHahaha. Smart cop.
Elf Frank MyrrhAgent X, the search for Santa right now seems to be occupying a lot of your time.
Agent XYes, this is one of Santa’s big things right now.
Elf Frank MyrrhWhat’s is the current situation. Do we have any clues?
Agent XWe have LOTS of clues. In fact too many clues
Elf Frank MyrrhWhat do you mean?
Agent XThey are coming from all over the world. It is difficult to follow up on them all.
Elf MaxSo you’re getting lots of pictures and feedback?
Agent XYes
Elf Frank MyrrhSo where do you think Santa is?
Agent XRight now, honestly, we do not have a solid lead
Elf MaxI thought he was in Sector 3
Agent XYes, someone said that on the radio or something. But we don’t really know
Elf Frank MyrrhThat might be my fault.
Agent XNo, not your fault, Elf Frank.
Elf MaxAgent X, are you frustrated?
Agent XNo, I love this actually
Elf Frank MyrrhDoes Santa do this kind of thing often?
Agent XThis is the biggest challenge he has ever given us, Frank. He does little things from time to time to train us. He asks us things all the time that we have work to learn. But nothing ever like this. This is new.
Elf MaxWhat happens if you do find him?
Agent XTHAT is a really good question.
Agent XHahaha.
Elf Frank Myrrhthat isn’t part of the game?
Agent XNo and it isn’t something I really thought about. What do you think we should do if we find him?
Elf Sugar CookieNO! Lol
Agent XHahaha. That would be rich.
Elf Frank MyrrhWhat would you do if YOU found him, Elf Sugar Cookie?
Agent XExcellent question, Frank.
Elf Sugar CookieMe? That’s a good question. I don’t know what I’d do besides alert you guys.
Elf MaxI would want to prove to the world that I found Santa.
Agent XHow would you prove that?
Elf MaxTake a picture or a video.
Elf UlanYou should ask the question, Elf sugar Cookie!
Agent XThose can be faked these days. We get them all the time
Elf Frank MyrrhYou get fake pictures and video
Agent XYes, they can be quite funny
Elf Sugar CookieOh, that’s right, Elf Ulan. The question is ‘how is Operation Merry Christmas going?” Right?
Elf Frank MyrrhReally? How?
Elf Sugar CookieActually, that leads me to another question. How do you know if you’re meeting Santa or just a good impersonator?
Agent XThe question about Operation Merry Christmas is more appropriate for Mrs. Claus or Elf Ernest or maybe Elf Bernard. I’m just security.
Elf UlanThat’s right! I’ll ask him too! The next maybe…
Agent XLast year we got a video of a guy who looked like Santa. He was tied up. They wanted money to free him. But they didn’t know one thing
Agent XAsk anything you want, Elf Ulan
Elf Frank MyrrhWhat didn’t they know?
Elf Sugar CookieI know, Elf Agent X. I think Elf Ulan was referring to a question someone on here said we could ask Santa to know if it was him or not.
Agent XThey didn’t know that Santa was sitting right there when we opened the video
Elf MaxHahaha – that’s funny.
Agent XSanta is never going to lie.
Agent XIf you catch Santa and ask him if he’s Santa, he will tell the truth.
Elf Sugar CookieCouldn’t someone lie about being Santa?
Elf MaxFor some reason, I really want to catch Santa now
Agent XOf course they will lie about being Santa. It happens all the time.
Elf UlanElf Agent X, I posted a picture in the Elf Wall. Please check about the man is similar to Santa or different, he’s taller than the man.
Agent XBut let me ask you this, Elf Sugar Cookie.
Agent XIf you thought you caught Santa, what kind of questions would you ask him to validate that he is Santa?
Agent XElf Ulan. Thank you for that picture. No, that’s not Santa. Santa is taller. He is built…differently. Santa is actually very fit.
Elf Ulan(I know it!)
Agent XThere are so many men out there who people think looks like Santa.
Elf Ulan(to Elf Sugar Cookie)
Elf Sugar CookieI’m not sure yet, honestly. i think I would be embarrassed if I, a grown woman, asked a stranger if he was Santa and he turned out not to be. I wouldn’t want anyone to think I was making fun of them, even though I would be genuinely asking.
Agent XYou’re an Elf, Sugar Cookie. Don’t you think you would have a feeling if you were in front of Santa?
Elf Frank MyrrhI see Santa I think more than most elves. I would recognize him in an instant.
Agent XYes, Frank
Elf Sugar CookieYes, sir, I think (I hope) I would.
Agent XI know you would, Elf Sugar Cookie. You’re a GREAT elf. You’d feel it. So what would you ask him?
Elf UlanThank you, Elf Agent X. Okay Santa is taller than him and more nicer!
Elf Frank MyrrhIs Santa so disguised that even I would not recognize him?
Elf Sugar CookieThank you so much. I would probably ask how the walkabout is going. An impersonator probably wouldn’t know what to make of that.
Agent XI can’t answer that, Elf Frank.
Agent XRight Elf Sugar Cookie. Think about all you know that the average person would not know. Santa would recognize you before you recognize him. But he will answer your questions and I guarantee you the questions you ask will be different from an average person.
Elf UlanDid you talk to Elf Winslow about the last walkabout?
Elf Sugar CookieWow, he would recognize me?
Agent XYes, we have interviewed Elf Winslow several times. He has been most helpful.
Agent XYes, Santa would definitely recognize ALL of you. He knows you well. He’s Santa.
Elf MaxAgent X, are you of the same opinion as Elf Crash – that Santa will NOT be caught?
Elf UlanI think so that, Elf Sugar Cookie!
Elf Sugar CookieThat’s amazing to hear; thank you!
Agent XNo, I disagree with Elf Crash. We are going to find him.
Elf Frank MyrrhThen you better decide what to do with him once you do!
Elf UlanEven me?
Agent XIt would be ironic to catch him, wouldn’t*t?
Agent XYes, Elf Ulan. Santa knows you. I guarantee it.
Elf Sugar CookieYes, he would definitely recognize you, Elf Ulan!
Elf Frank MyrrhIf you or some other elf or department finds Santa you will have to prove to the world you did it.
Agent XI think we will have to meet to discuss this, Frank. Very good point.
Elf Frank MyrrhElf Harriet, in Wrapping, says she can catch Santa within a week or two. Do you believe her?
Elf UlanReally? It’s incredible and amazing!
Agent XElf Harriet is one very tenacious elf. Yes, it’s possible she could do it. I believe her. Never count her out.
Elf Frank MyrrhHave you spoken to her?
Agent XNo, since your radio interview the other day with her she has disappeared.
Elf MaxWait – what?
Elf Frank MyrrhWhat do you mean she has disappeared?
Agent XShe’s gone. She left. She took a team of elves and they are out searching for Santa.
Elf UlanWhat!?
Elf Sugar CookieWow!!
Elf Frank MyrrhNo way.
Agent XI thought everyone knew that.
Elf Frank MyrrhNo, she just told me the Wrapping Department could find him within a week or two. She didn’t tell me how.
Elf UlanBut she is the head of the wrapping department, right?
Elf Sugar CookieThis would be a great news story, Elf Frank!
Agent XThey’re out looking.
Elf MaxYes, she’s head of wrapping.
Elf Frank MyrrhShe told you she left?
Agent XYes, she called me and said she’d be back soon with Santa
Elf Frank MyrrhWhat did you tell her?
Agent XI told her “Fat chance”
Elf MaxHahaha!!!
Elf Frank MyrrhDid she tell you where they were going?
Agent XNo
Elf Sugar CookieI hope she finds him; that would be remarkable.
Elf Frank MyrrhHow many elves did she take with her?
Agent XI don’t know
Elf Frank MyrrhDid she say…how she would find him and what she would do if she did find him?
Agent XNope.
Elf Ulan(I’m confused, is she with Santa now?)
Elf Frank MyrrhHave you heard from her?
Elf Sugar CookieNo, Elf Ulan, but I think she’s trying to find him.
Agent XNot at all.
Agent XTo my knowledge, they have not found him yet.
Elf Frank MyrrhDo you know where she is looking?
Elf UlanOh, thank you!
Agent XYes, I know
Elf Frank MyrrhHow do you know?
Elf Sugar CookieYou’re welcome!
Agent XI can’t tell you that
Elf MaxHahaha – I knew someone was going to get that answer
Elf Frank MyrrhSo do you think she is close to Santa?
Agent XI have no reason to think that
Elf Frank MyrrhWow, this IS a story.
Elf UlanI think if we can guess what Santa is interested in now, we can find around the places!?
Elf Frank MyrrhI’m gonna call her
Agent XI’m not sure she’ll take your call. She won’t take mine.
Elf Frank MyrrhWhy not?
Elf UlanI guess she knows it…
Agent XBecause she doesn’t want anyone to know what she’s doing.
Elf Frank MyrrhHow is she going to prove she found him?
Agent XI don’t know.
Elf Frank MyrrhBut you don’t think the Wrapping Department will be successful?
Elf Sugar CookieGood idea, Elf Ulan!
Agent XNever count Harriet out. But I don’t think they have information or skills that other elves don’t have. Santa’s on the run and he’s outsmarting everyone so far.
Elf UlanThank you, Elf Sugar Cookie!
Agent XYes, Elf Ulan. Good thinking.
Elf Frank MyrrhFolks, I’m sorry. We’re over time with Agent X. Any last questions.
Elf MaxI have more questions than ever!
Elf UlanThank you, Elf Agent X!
Agent XGood. That means I’m doing my job.
Elf Sugar CookieDoes anyone know where Santa is for safety reasons but won’t tell anyone else? Or is he completely on his own?
Agent XSanta is completely on his own. I believe he and Mrs. Claus have some way of emergency contact. But don’t quote me on that. It’s just a theory I have.
Elf Frank MyrrhWell, what if there is an emergency?
Agent XWe will just have to put on our big elf boots and deal with it, I suppose.
Elf MaxGolly
Elf UlanDo you think Santa bought some hats this time? Lol
Elf Frank MyrrhGreat chat, Agent X. Thank you for all you have shared today
Agent XI think Santa is a man of many different looks.
Elf Sugar CookieThank you so much, everyone! This has been a great chat!
Elf MaxYes, thank you Elf Agent X
Agent XThank you all for your efforts. We’ll find Santa!
Elf UlanThank you, Elf Agent X!
Agent XBye everyone
Elf Frank MyrrhThanks Agent X.
Elf Sugar CookieGoodbye!
Elf Frank MyrrhAnd thank you everyone for being here. This was great!
About this Elf: Elf Winslow Verified Elf North Pole Elf North Pole News Elf
Elf Winslow is special assistant to Elf Ernest of the Public Relations and News Department at the North Pole. As such, he is the Events Editor at He also works as a staff writer here at, keeping us up-to-date on the Elf Calendar. Elf Winslow married, his wife's name is Elf Esther and she is a seamstress in the Uniforms Department. They have four little elves of their own - Sophie, Molly, Winnie and Polly.
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Elf Ulan

Thank you, Elf Winslow! Thank you, Elves Agent X, Frank, Max, and Elf Sugar Cookie! I was so happy to be there with them. It was exciting and great, and I learned how much Elf Agent X and the elves protect Santa and the North Pole more than I thought. Elf Agent X is very kind, fun, and cool! Thank you always for watching over Santa and us. I missed asking him what his favorite Christmas song to sing then, lol. I wish I would see him in the chat again! XD

Elf Ulan

(And I appreciate understanding what I was saying, Elf Sugar Cookie, and you all! XD)
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