As Elf Crash Murphy informed us the other day, Elf Check-Ins will begin early this year. Those hours of elf check-in are soon to be upon us. Very soon. Your elf supervisor will post up a link of where to check in and when. It is important that Elf Check-ins happen by Sector. That means... Read more
Author: Elf Max
Submit Questions for Elf Crash
Elf Crash Murphy, International Director of Santa Trackers, has informed me that a lot of effort will be made before Santa launches to answer your questions. There will be the North Pole Chat on Sunday at 10AM EST as well as late news being posted on all official North Pole websites all weekend. Crash also... Read more
Elf Community Upgrades Begin
The first in a series of Elf Community upgrades is in progress. As you login you might notice some new features while other regular site offerings are suspended. The following are features not currently operational that will return very soon: - Elf University - Tracker Reports - Elf Jobs - Tracker Elf Registration - Elf... Read more
Site Upgrades Starting Soon
Some necessary site changes are underway. You may see some downtime in site access over the course of the next three to four weeks as a result. There will be many changes, so be patient as we work to roll them out. We will try to post updates about our progress on the changes and... Read more
Transcript of the Elf Supervisor Chat
Elf Crash Murphy and several of the Elf Supervisors met in Elf Chat to answer questions of the elf community. This is a transcript of their conversation: Elf Max Trying to get the supes in here now....they don't know what to do!!! Elf Chocolate Snowflakes yes Elf Pinky Hey!!! Elf Ulan Yeah, Elf Max Elf... Read more
Chat with Elf Ed Zachary
Elf Ed Zachary is the new News Director at the North Pole. He has for years served as a columnist at the North Pole Gazette and at He is known as the Great Defender of Santa Claus for his many candid answers to questions from non-believers. Here is the transcript of our chat with... Read more
Chat with Elf Buck Sanchez
Elf Buck Sanchez is the director of Flight Operations at the North Pole. He coordinates all the support activity and flights behind Santa every Christmas Eve. He joined us in Santa Tracker Chat and we had a very interesting conversation about how sleigh flight works at the North Pole. Here is the transcript: Elf Frank... Read more
Site Upgrades Scheduled
Our website will soon experience a light remodeling and site upgrades. This is scheduled to happen between January 29th and February 2nd. It is possible the site may need to be closed for brief periods of time while this work is completed. Last year was a major project in rebuilding. This year the work will... Read more
Chat Recap with Elf Crash in Elf Chat
Elf Crash Murphy, Santa's Eye-in-the-Sky Reporter and the Ultimate Santa Tracker, was in Elf Chat today to talk about tracking Santa this year. Everyone's questions sure made for an interesting conversation. Here is the recap: Elf Crash Murphy Hi ho - MAXY!!! Elf Max Hi Crash. You're right on time Elf Ulan Hi, elf Crash!... Read more
New Report Added for Trackers
A new report has been added to the Trackers Report menu. It's called the Sleigh Sighting Report and it is for those elves who believe they have seen a sleigh in flight. The Elf Supervisors specifically asked for this report to be added in advance of tracking the test flights of Santa's sleigh. They said... Read more
New Elves Will Wait
In Elf Chat today Elf Crash Murphy announced that Elf Roger Star will outline more changes this week that will affect newly signed-on elves at According to Crash new elves will have to work in a freelance capacity for at least 90 days and will be required to have their elf supervisor endorsement before... Read more
Tracker Elf Press Conference Coverage
The annual tracker elf press conference where the new recruiting goal for tracker elves is announced is now underway. Please use the player embedded to listen to it instead of the live Kringle Radio feed, which we understand is experiencing some technical issues this morning. We have been told that the events today are being... Read more