Sector 2 Improves

Sector 2 Improves

Hello my Elf Friends of Sector 2,

Last week was productive for us. Here are the numbers:

North Pole Tracker Elves: 1024
Freelance Tracker Elves: 216,774
Total Tracker Elves: 217,798

North Pole Tracker Elf Reports: 4,608
Freelance Tracker Elf Report: 802,064
Total Tracker Elf Reports: 806,672

As you can see, we really saw some eye-popping improvement over the previous week, especially with the reports. You seemed to really take Santa’s feedback to heart. I greatly appreciate your efforts to improve reporting.

Note from Santa for this week:
WOW, Sector 2. Home run! Last week was fabulous. Can you do it again? This is how we are going to get the job done for Christmas. There is more work to do in Sector 2 than any other sector. This is due to your large size and also to the growing number of believers we have in Asia and the Middle East. If we can keep this up I will have my best trip ever through that part of the world. This week we should really work on roof reports, if the weather allows. And remember – no getting on ladders or on roof tops for this. You need to work from the ground when you do this report. The roof report is pretty critical because I need to know if a roof is safe to land on. I much prefer to land on a rooftop than on the ground. Staying on the roof is just faster all around. I can get in and out of the sleigh faster, in and out of a house faster and from one house to the next faster. There are many different kinds of roofs in Sector 2 and obviously I cannot land on all of them. Your reports will help me to know which ones I can use. — Santa

Instructions for this week:

  1. We need a local Christmas report from all areas. Please see this link.
  2. Photo reports of rooftops, chimneys and years are most helpful if you have time to take pictures. Please see this link.
  3. A ground report is needed from all major cities. Please see this link.
  4. Weather reports are getting more important. Please see this link.

Thank you for all your efforts, elves.

About this Elf: Elf Clif Moyer Verified Elf Santa's Council Member Sector 2 Elf Supervisor
Elf Clif is a long time presence at the North Pole getting his start in Santa’s employ in 1917 hauling wood with reindeer teams from Austria. He speaks 14 languages and took a 3-year sabbatical to serve in the Peace Corps in Africa in the 1950s. Elf Clif lives with his wife of many years in one of the largest farms at the North Pole, keeping hot house plants and flowers year round, his passionate hobby.
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Elf Ulan

Hello, Elf Clif! Wow, your elves are doing a great job! I’m glad to hear that Santa will have his best trip there. I’m very interested in how different roof situations are in the sector. I learned roof information is essential for Santa goes around faster. XD
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