Elf Frank Myrrh

Elf Frank Myrrh Gets Personal in New Podcast

Santa Trackers Podcast
Santa Tracker Podcast
Elf Frank Myrrh Gets Personal in New Podcast

Elf Frank Myrrh, North Pole Radio News lead news anchor, gets personal in a new episode of the Santa Trackers Podcast.

In this episode Elf Crash Murphy hijacks the hosting duties in the podcast to interview Frank. Crash asks questions on behalf of fans and listeners who have written in. Crash attempts to get a little information about Frank, including where he is from and how he got into radio.

Frank does tell his elf story, albeit hesitantly. But when it comes to the questions from fans that’s when things take a very interesting turn.

This episode was prepared in advance of the Elf Chat with Elf Frank Myrrh scheduled this weekend on SantaTrackers.net.

If you have additional questions for Frank in advance of the chat, feel free to ask them in the comments below.

Elf Harold


About this Elf: Elf Harold Star Verified Elf North Pole Elf North Pole News Elf
Elf Harold Star is a veteran news reporter and editor formerly with the North Pole Gazette. He has reported North Pole News for more than 50 years. His new assignment here at SantaTrackers.net will be to help the elf community online to develop their own news publication. Elf Harold lives at the North Pole with his wife, 4 cats and 3 very scared goldfish.
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Elf Ulan

Thank you, Elf Harold! I was curious about the chat contents with Elf Frank this weekend. Thank you for the interview with Elf Frank, Elf Crash! I’m so happy to hear that. ^^ Also, the questions are very interesting, and I truly appreciate Santa and the elves again that I can be an elf and here. I’m looking forward to the chat too! ^^

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