Elf Count

Official Elf Count Update

We are pleased to announce that growth in tracker elf registrations grew last month by a global rate of 11.8% and that we now have enrolled nearly 78 million elves worldwide. Here is how each sector grew in September:

Sector 1 – +5.6%
Sector 2 – +4.6%
Sector 3 – +3.1%
Sector 4 – +3.7%
Sector 5 – +24.1%

While each sector shows improvement over the previous month Sector 5 continues to show the most explosive growth. We expect that trend to continue.

While the growth has been amazing we do note that in order to meet the 200 million tracker elf goal that Santa set for this year we need to recruit better than 122 million MORE tracker elves in the weeks ahead. The next four weeks are especially crucial to the overall season.

Please work to bring those you know on board as tracker elves tracking Santa for Santa this year.


About this Elf: Elf Flip Beanz Verified Elf North Pole Elf North Pole News Elf
Elf Flip is an accountant and analyst at North Pole Flight Command. He has certified as an enumerator in the North Pole Census and has a masters degree from Southern North Pole University in Accounting and Numerology. He helps to determine the need of elves at the North Pole and all around the world. He also works with the Public Relations Department to share news and information about the number of elves in Santa's employ.
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Elf Lil Cream

Thanks for the update!

Elf Cookie Dough

Wow that’s amazing thanks for the update!

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