Elf Groups

Changes to Elf Groups

Changes to Elf Groups have been happening since the first of the New Year.

It is likely you have seen some groups disappear while others have been consolidated or changed.

The decision to do this by Santa’s Council is based on the mandate given by Santa to focus the features of the elf community to be more mission centric.

Eliminated groups were those that lacked activity or support of their managers.

Modified groups are groups that were active but fell under various management entities or were designated as “private” or “hidden”. All groups, except for Santa’s Council, will be public going forward.

All groups now have centralized administrative control. Elf Max, under the direction of Santa’s Council, will administer the groups for uniformity and compliance.

Much discussion has been had over what constitutes “mission centric” topics of each group.

It was decided that elf discussion on things such as Christmas Baking is healthy for the community and should continue, even though not specifically relatable to Santa tracking.

Thus, if new groups are wanted for other Christmas topics – decorating, Christmas movies, Christmas music, etc – it will be possible to form them. Interested parties in forming new groups should contact Elf Max.

Going forward all groups will be monitored by Santa’s Council who will occasionally review group activity, relevancy and contribution to the Elf Community.

We expect the elf community to continue to grow. This change to elf groups is just one of many adjustments being made this year. Further detail of the formation, administration and future of Elf Groups will be included in a new feature called Elf University, to be released soon.

Feel free to add questions, comments or suggestions below.

About this Elf: Elf Max Verified Elf Santa's Council Member Senior Elf Sector 5 Community Manager
Elf Max is the webmaster of SantaTrackers.net and Executive Director of the Elf Community. Max has worked in computer systems web development for many years. He has been an anchor for the tracker elf program and has been with this project from the very beginning. When he's not tweaking the website he's running off to fix someone's computer.
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Elf Lachie

I noticed that all the groups specifically for Sectors have disappeared 

Elf Ulan

Thank you, Elf Max! The current groups are looks nicer and clearer to me. I noticed some posts are on the Elf Wall and others are only in the group. I joined one of them, and can I join other groups too even I don’t have knowledge a lot? I’m curious about Christmas topics like decorating, Christmas movies and music, etc. too. I think Elf University will have many divisions. I appreciate if anyone tells me how different between Elf HQ and Elf University are. Thank you!

Elf Cookie Dough

I like the way the groups are now and they look great too

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