Santa Makes a Stunning Announcement

Santa Makes a Stunning Announcement

Santa made a stunning announcement a short time ago at a press conference just held at the North Pole. Please listen to this newly posted episode of the Santa Trackers Podcast which features the North Pole Radio News report as it aired live from the event.

Santa wants to have an unprecedented number of tracker elves by the time he takes off for Christmas 2021. The number that Santa personally announced was not foreseen by anyone and it goes far to explain all the early actions taken by Flight Command this year.

Elves, we have a lot of work ahead of us!

About this Elf: Elf Max Verified Elf Santa's Council Member Senior Elf Sector 5 Community Manager
Elf Max is the webmaster of and Executive Director of the Elf Community. Max has worked in computer systems web development for many years. He has been an anchor for the tracker elf program and has been with this project from the very beginning. When he's not tweaking the website he's running off to fix someone's computer.
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Elf Lil Cream

Thats a HUGE goal!

Elf Ullrich

Wow, that is a big goal!

Elf Cookie Dough

Wow that is a huge goal
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