150 days

150 Days Until Santa’s Launch

North Pole Flight Command marks this date as another important milestone – it is exactly 150 days until Santa’s takes flight from the North Pole.

As you have already seen, the test flights are now underway and sector elf supervisors are starting to call for tracker elf activation.

At the North Pole, there are other preparations being made that will be shared via the news at SantaUpdate.com.

We have also recently learned that Santa will be making an announcement soon about the North Pole Navy.

Stand by for breaking news.

About this Elf: Elf Harold Star Verified Elf North Pole Elf North Pole News Elf
Elf Harold Star is a veteran news reporter and editor formerly with the North Pole Gazette. He has reported North Pole News for more than 50 years. His new assignment here at SantaTrackers.net will be to help the elf community online to develop their own news publication. Elf Harold lives at the North Pole with his wife, 4 cats and 3 very scared goldfish.
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Elf Ulan

Thank you, Elf Harold! It’s until 150 days; time flies! Yes, we know how the test flights are going from our supervisors. Okay, we’re waiting for the North Pole News and Santa’s announcement soon! Thank you!

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