Hello Sector 5,
I’ve been doing some research here, just comparing where we are now to this same date a year ago.
We are actually ahead in our elf count – more elves this year than last year by about 2%. We have an increase of 16% in freelance elves and a drop, actually, of North Pole tracker elves of about 3%.
I’m not worried about that. We’ll top out better than 30 million total elves by the time Santa takes off.
What I’m a little concerned about is that we are down on roof reports by about 8%. I know we’ll see a rush over the next few weeks, so I’ll just keep an eye on it for now. But if you’re new and have not yet sent in a roof report, please do so.
By the way, a shout out to all those great elves on the Elf Wall helping all the new elves out. You’re doing a great job and I thank you!
Also, I’m working on putting up photos of as many of our Sector 5 elves as we can. I have a big wall inside the Tracking Center here in Minnesota that I’m putting Elfie Selfies on so our team here knows what you all look like.
If you haven’t done so already, can you please send in a selfie so we can add your smiling face to our wall? Here’s the form to send it in.
Hello, Elf Pinky! I’m not in Sector 5, but I wonder if my supervisor Elf Randi also put our selfie pics on her wall, I hope. I love the sentence the penultimate sentence in the form. Merry Christmas! 😆
thanks elf pinky!
Hello everyone I’m ElfNakeisha and I’m new to sector 5 seasons greetings