
India Here We Come

Greetings from the sleigh! We’re in flight right now, headed to our new Regional Tracking Center home for Sector 2 this year – Kochi, India!

Kochi is so ideally suited for us in Sector 2. It is fairly central to the middle of our sector, which just happens to be the biggest in the world.

We have access to everything here: great food, high-speed fiber Internet, a local eggnog producer, full reindeer facilities, sleigh repair, and some of the biggest artificial Christmas trees in all the world. Yes, Kochi knows how to celebrate Christmas.

We have all the plans in place and we’ve been charged with getting it all set up by the end of July. But here’s a news flash for you kids: we’re going to get this baby up in under a week.

I have been here so much the past several months that I know everything that needs to get done. I’m guessing we’ll be the first sector with a fully functional Regional Tracking Center set up. That’s how confident that I am.

So hang tight. We’re going to be in business here real fast. And once we get up and running my plan is to put you trackers to work right away.

About this Elf: Elf Clif Moyer Verified Elf Santa's Council Member Sector 2 Elf Supervisor
Elf Clif is a long time presence at the North Pole getting his start in Santa’s employ in 1917 hauling wood with reindeer teams from Austria. He speaks 14 languages and took a 3-year sabbatical to serve in the Peace Corps in Africa in the 1950s. Elf Clif lives with his wife of many years in one of the largest farms at the North Pole, keeping hot house plants and flowers year round, his passionate hobby.
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Elf Ulan

Hello Elf Clif! Congratulations! I know how happy and excited you are to work there! Thank you for telling us about Kochi. It sounds like an excellent location for the Tracking Center and celebrating Christmas.
I look forward to hearing an update from you! XD

Elf Frosty McSnowflake

It’s great seeing the diverse cities getting used this year!!
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