Elf Crusader

Elf Crusader Named Sector Lead for Sector 5

I am pleased to announce that Elf Crusader has been promoted to Sector Lead in Sector 5. As such, he in effect becomes my assistant here at SantaTrackers.net.

Most Sector 5 elves are already well aware of Elf Crusader. Crusader is the North Pole Naturalist, a city captain, a Senior Elf, a member of Santa’s Council and a popular elf podcaster and a dedicated tracker elf whose presence on these boards is well known and appreciated. He is a mentor to many elves and a constant source of good information.

As Sector Lead Elf Crusader will step up his efforts to communicate with tracker elves of Sector 5 on a daily basis. Outside of my own occasional news reports Elf Crusader will keep elves informed in things I might share with him as we get closer to Santa’s launch. He is trusted, calm and responsible. I find Elf Crusader ideally suited for this role and you can depend on him to provide you with timely information.

My reports post each Friday. Elf Crusader will be sharing information with you via the elf wall daily on a more informal basis.

He will answer your questions. When he can’t answer something Elf Crusader has contacts both with me and other elves he knows at the North Pole and North Pole Flight Command to answer your questions.

He will be available to guide you through your training. He will assist Elf Moe, if necessary, in policing troubled posts. He will remind you of rules, deadlines, expectations and needs.

Elf Crusader will even be able to reach Santa from time to time on matters of tracking and Operation Merry Christmas.

Elf Crusader will work from his home tracking center – for now – but could be called upon if needed for service either here in Mistletoe or at the North Pole.

Some, in applying for the Lead position, have asked me if this position could lead to other positions in an elf career, possibly even a position at the North Pole. The answer to that is yes. This appointment has been approved by both Elf Roger and Santa himself.

Elf Crusader continues to be a pioneer of sorts. He is the first Sector lead to be named. I do not know what progress has been made in naming Sector leads in other Sectors but Santa has told me that we have not wanted to rush this process. It is unknown at this time if other leads will be named this year. However, Santa did say that the choice of Elf Crusader is inspired and that he “wishes this young elf all the best”.

Please join me in thanking Elf Crusader in advance for his time and efforts and in congratulating him on this new position. It is well deserved and I’m excited to have him on the Sector 5 team as our lead elf.

Sector Lead

About this Elf: Elf Pinky Verified Elf Santa's Council Member Sector 5 Elf Supervisor
Elf Pinky was recruited from the U.S. Air Force Academy in 1992 and has since served as an instructor in sleigh flight theory at the North Pole Institute of Aviation. She worked very hard to earn her elf credentials, working a second shift first as a tool repair technician in Santa’s workshop and then as an engineer in the Wrapping Department designing wrapping machines. Pinky in recent years was a recruiter and trainer of sleigh test pilots and flies under the call sign Barracuda. Last year she served as a Flight Operations Director and demonstrated outstanding judgment and maturity in her duties supervising more than 400 elves, pilots, reindeer handlers and sleigh freighters.
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Congratulations to Elf Crusader; it is very well deserved! I cannot wait to see what the future holds for you.

Elf Crusader

Thank you!

Elf Elfy Claus

He’s my friend, and he’s sector lead!

Elf Crusader

Glad to be aboard pinky!

Elf Frank Myrrh

Congratulations, Elf Crusader! Big news and great news. Well deserved.

Elf Crusader

Thanks Frank! Are you going to do a radio update on it or a podcast? @elffrank?

Elf Crash Murphy

This is fabulous news! Congratulations Elf Crusader.

Hey everyone – I knew him before he was famous!

Elf Crusader

Yes you did ! And thank you!

Elf Max

Way to go, Crusader! Fast trackin’ to the Pole!

Elf Crusader

Thanks max!

Elf Cookie Dough

Congratulations Elf Crusader

Elf Crusader

Thanks a bunch

Elf Ulan

Congratulations, Elf Crusader! I’m so glad to hear that!! XD

Elf Crusader


Elf Cammy

Congratulations Elf Crusader! It is well-deserved.

Elf Crusader

Thank you so much

Elf Ernest

This news pleases me greatly. Congratulations Elf Crusader!

Elf Crusader

Thank you ernest! I kinda wonder what Santa will say to me in the chat on Sunday

Elf Slimey C


Elf Crusader

Thank you so much!

Elf weather tracker

I’m so excited to also be working with Elf Crusader, as I am the Weather analyst for Sector 5. We couldn’t ask for a better Sector Leader for Sector 5.

Elf Crusader

I appreciate your nice comments @elfweathertracker

Elf weather tracker

Your very welcome Elf Crusader

Elf Taylor



✊ ✊ ✊ ✊ ✊ ✊ ✊ ✊ ✊ Congrats On the Promotion!

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