Freelance Elves

Freelance Elves Falling Behind

A few months ago I made a recommendation that all freelance elves be given a 90-day probationary period before being allowed to join the Elf Community. Since that time we have halted all registrations so that Elf Supervisors can evaluate the effectiveness of freelance elves.

So far this initiative is failing.

After conferring with all Elf Supervisors from every sector it appears, since about 90 days have passed since we started this, that ZERO freelance elves are eligible at the time to become permanent North Pole Elves.

I would also note that we are quickly approaching the deadline for any new freelancers to qualify before Santa takes flight this year.

I’m not sure how Santa feels about this.

Elf Supervisors say that we are getting MORE reports from Freelance Elves than we are from North Pole Elves. However, those reports are lacking in detail and substance.

We believe it will get better. There is a large pool of freelance elves who have worked as freelancers for years. They want to keep it that way. I do not believe this pool of elves has actually shown up yet. I believe we will endure a long period of wanna-be elves who are entirely new to tracking Santa for Santa before we see those experienced freelancers show up.

I would remind you that our goal this year is not a number of elves. It is reports. Good reports. Useful reports. Timely reports.

You – our North Pole Elves of the elf community – are doing an EXCEPTIONAL job. The Elf Supervisors are over the top about the good quality, frequency and substance of your report. In fact, I am hearing that some elf supervisors are not only planning on good reviews for most of you, but also plenty of promotions.

Keep up that good work. It’s getting noticed.

For our freelance elf friends – thank you for your efforts. Please go to Elf University. Learn. Reach out to your elf supervisor. They are there to help. If you really want to be a North Pole Elf and join the great elf community here then do your homework. It’s not hard work. But it is direct, and it is serious, and it is important.

Santa chooses his elves carefully.

I know he would love to see some freelance elves this year rise to the level needed of a real elf.

About this Elf: Elf Moe Verified Elf Executive Elf Santa's Council Member North Pole Elf Community Manager
For years Elf Moe was an anchor in the Shipping Department at the North Pole. That's a tough job. It entails making sure that the right names get on the right packages before Santa delivers them. Not a lot of people want that job because it is so detailed. Moe did it for years. That's why Elf Moe now has the job he does: Elf Moe works in the North Pole Complaint Department. If someone want to complain about anything, Moe's the guy to see. He has a very difficult job.
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Elf weather tracker

I’m really surprised that we don’t have the Freelance Elf’s we was hoping for at this time of year. I’m so glad that all of us Elf’s that’s been doing this for years. Thank you Elf Moe for keeping us updated on this issue.

Elf Cookie Dough

Thank You Elf Moe for the update, I love being a Santa Tracker. It’s so much fun. I enjoy working with all of the North Pole Elves, It’s so awesome.

Elf Ulan

Thank you, Elf Moe! I’m curious about what levels the supervisors and Santa need us to be a North Pole elf. changed a lot this year, and we did too. Yes, we have wonderful north pole elves around Santa, and I learn much from them every time. I want to get better, more like them too. XD Freelance elves have different types, but our mission is the same! I Hope our reports help a lot for Santa, his sleigh, and reindeer are flying safely to succeed in the mission this year, and I’d love to help in anything I can. Thank you!
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