Elf Status Report

Sector 4 Call to Duty

Hola, Amigos!

Sector 4 is now active with our Regional Tracking Center in Peru. As part of our efforts to get organized, we’d like as many elves as possible in Sector 4 to please do an Elf Status Report.

We’re just trying to get a handle on our numbers.

When last season ended we had roughly 6 million tracker elves in Sector 4. The majority of those were freelance elves. Freelance elves are going to come and go but our North Pole Elves – you guys! – need to be accounted for.

I just need to see how many of you are on the job right now.

We’ll get to other things soon but in my view this is the most important thing we can be doing right now.

So get that in as soon as you can.

Thanks – TR

About this Elf: Elf Tubby Ryder Verified Elf Santa's Council Member Sector 4 Elf Supervisor

Elf Tubby is well known to those familiar with North Pole flight operations, where he has served as an Associate Director Flight Director for many years. He has given Christmas Eve flight service in many places all over the world, most notably in 1994 when Santa had to move all his flight operations to the South Pole. Elf Tubby coordinated that project.

Tubby has a large family of 18 children. He, his wife Delores and children live on a converted reindeer ranch not far from town. Tubby is an avid skier and is often found on Mt. Frosty here at the North Pole after Christmas is over, where he volunteers as a Ski Patrol member. Tubby is also a master chef, having attended school in Italy many years ago.

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Elf Ulan

Hola Elf Tubby! Wow, 6 million tracker elves were in Sector 4 last year! I’m curious about how many Sector 1s there were last year. I hope the same numbers of his Sector’s North Pole tracker elves as last year work here now!
I’m looking forward to hearing his update! XD

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