Every Christmas Eve the Claus residence houses the North Pole Christmas party. As each department completes their work they Claus home fills with elves who track Santa together. Nobody is more on top of where Santa is and what he is doing than Mrs. Claus.
Just as Elf Roger has always said, on Christmas Eve, we’re all Santa trackers.
Mrs. Claus, of course, wears many hats. She is Santa’s wife, partner and expert in all things that happen at the North Pole. Those who were here with us last year when Santa was on his worldwide walkabout saw how Mrs. Claus takes charge of things. She does that to help Santa and there isn’t another elf at the North Pole that Santa trusts more than Mrs. Claus.
Yesterday here on Santa Trackers we had an individual signup and pretend to be Mrs. Claus. That person lied and a lot of elves here believed that person was actually Mrs. Claus.
Elf Agent X has explained how that happened and how you can tell going forward if someone is who they say they are.
But I’m here to tell you why you may never ever see Mrs. Claus here on SantaTrackers.net.
First of all, there are many reasons why Mrs. Claus cannot be here. Time is one of the biggest reasons. We rarely see even Santa here and he has to work hard to find just a minute here and there just to come here to interact with you.
I’m Mrs. Claus’ Chief of Staff. Her job is so big she needs a whole team of elves to help her. As Chief of Staff it is my job to control who has access to Mrs. Claus and when she meets with people. Trust me when I tell you that Mrs. Claus was not on SantaTrackers.net yesterday.
Think about it. Does that make any sense?
Yesterday was Thanksgiving Day. Think about all that was going on here on Thanksgiving Day. The big meal, the Elf Parade, the Turkey Bowl, the Christmas light walkabout – when was Mrs. Claus suppose to find time to come to SantaTrackers.net?
No, that wasn’t Mrs. Claus.
But there are many other reasons why Mrs. Claus likely won’t ever spend much time here.
The Tracker Elf Community is run by Elf Crash. It is a sub-department of North Pole Flight Command, run by Elf Roger Star.
Santa and Mrs. Claus do not mix it up here much on SantaTrackers.net out of respect for those two very important elves.
They don’t want to add more cooks to the kitchen, so to speak.
In other words, they respect the space and authority of those who have charge over you.
Now, we know that all of you have a lot of interest in both Santa and Mrs. Claus. You want to get to know them, to ask questions, and to be their friends. They want that too.
That’s why they occasionally are featured in North Pole Chat at SantaUpdate.com. At least a couple of times each year they are there for that.
Santa, because of his job delivering to the world, has business here. And he will talk to you here sometimes as it relates to the work you have together.
But Mrs. Claus, unless she is asked by Santa to do so, or invited by Elf Crash or Elf Roger, wouldn’t just show up and start talking.
Please understand that. Please understand that even if Mrs. Claus had time to be here she likely would have me, her Chief of Staff, manage her account and organize her contacts. Mrs. Claus is a stickler for protocol. She stays within the rules, works by permission and honors the chain of command. She stays in her lane. If she ever showed up here it would never be like that fake person who claimed to be her yesterday.
If you have questions for or about Mrs. Claus, I’ll be glad to answer them for you.
I’m sure when the time is right we’ll hear again soon of another chat scheduled for her and Santa.
I just wanted to let you know this stuff.
Thank you, Elf Trixie. Yes, I understood that Mrs. Claus was fake. I would appreciate it if you could tell us who won’t come here except Mrs. C. You can see them anytime and know their situation, but our tracker elves don’t; we tend quickly to believe because we are more eager to see them than you think. I hope it won’t happen again. Merry Christmas! XD