Freelance Elf Registration

The information you provide below will help us to know the information you send in comes from YOU. There is no personally identifiable information gathered here other than what you want North Pole Flight Command to know about where your reports are coming from.


~ Common Questions from Freelance Elves ~

Q: Can I get an elf license like a North Pole Elf?
A: No. You have an elf contract, which you can see via the link above and share with anyone you like.

Q: Can I join the Elf Community?
A: No. The Elf Community requires compliance with privacy laws. We designed the Freelance Elf capability to serve those elves who prefer to remain anonymous. It’s the safest way of tracking Santa for Santa online. The Elf Community is for elves working under the direction of Elf Supervisors from the North Pole.

Q: Can I later become a North Pole elf?
A: Yes.

Q: Will I receive emails telling me what to do to track Santa for Santa?
A: No, because we don’t collect your email address and we cannot contact you. Your communication to the North Pole is one way – from you to us. In order to know what to do as a freelance tracker elf you will need to visit this website on your own, read the publicly available news and elf supervisor instruction, and follow through accordingly.

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