North Pole Photo Exhibit

North Pole Photo Exhibit Planned

We are pleased to announced the opening of a special photo exhibit titled Scenes from the North Pole. This special collection of photographs has been approved by Santa Claus for public exhibition. It is one of the only times in history where pictures from the real North Pole have ever been shown. The event is planned 5 months before Christmas Eve on July 24th at 2pm EST.

This exhibit will be shared in Elf Chat at It is an exhibit reserved exclusively for tracker elves working in the service of Santa and is not available to the general public.

The collection will be shared by Elf Ed Zachary, world famous Santa Defender and North Pole journalist, whose work has been featured at The North Pole Gazette, Elf Life, North Pole Daily,, and Mr. Zachary will explain each image as it is shared.

North Pole Photo Exhibit

This image was recently taken at the North Pole showcasing the Northern Lights some distance from North Pole Village. This is the first time such an image from the North Pole as been shared.

The collection includes images of reindeer, North Pole landscapes, North Pole buildings and scenes of interest in and around the North Pole. Mr. Zachary is an accomplished photographer and these images are from his personal collection. Each image has been vetted through North Pole Security and the entire exhibit has been personally review by Santa.

We remind you that this exhibit will only be shared via the Elf Chat room at To participate you must be a registered Santa Tracker Elf, having taken the Elf Oath. These images are NOT to be shared outside the confines of this website and are only for the educational and informational needs of Santa’s elves. We encourage elves who work remotely for Santa to participate in this special event.

About this Elf: Elf Harold Star Verified Elf North Pole Elf North Pole News Elf
Elf Harold Star is a veteran news reporter and editor formerly with the North Pole Gazette. He has reported North Pole News for more than 50 years. His new assignment here at will be to help the elf community online to develop their own news publication. Elf Harold lives at the North Pole with his wife, 4 cats and 3 very scared goldfish.
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Elf Lil Cream

That’s so cool!

Elf Ullrich

That is amazing!

Elf Cookie Dough

Wow beautiful
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